- 孩子们的银行账户
- 从伊利诺斯州带走一个孩子
- 虐待动物是家庭暴力的有力预示
- 祖父母失去了探视权
- 爷爷奶奶受到了打击
- 一次为父,终身为父
- 养孙子的祖父母应该知道的
- 伊利诺斯州最高法院将对假定的父亲登记作出裁决
- 伊利诺伊州最高法院为监护权案件制定了新的规则
当你为未成年人开立银行账户时,你有两种选择. 你可以保留这笔钱的所有权,也可以把所有权传给孩子. 当你有一个账户,你是指定的“保管人”的钱, 你已经把所有权转让给了孩子. The money is actually property that was transferred under the Uniform Transfers to Minors Act and is owned by the minor. 该帐户由孩子的社会安全号码标识.
在孩子21岁之前,托管人持有、管理和投资这笔钱. 监护人也可以将这笔钱用于孩子的合理需求. 然而, 未成年人满21岁时, 保管人必须把钱送到, 加上个人累积的利息和利润.
如果你为未成年人建立了一个“信托”账户, 账户里的钱不属于未成年人. 信托账户在受托人有生之年属于受托人. 通常在未成年人死亡时支付.
The Illinois Supreme Court issued a unanimous opinion that liberalized the rules for a divorced parent’s removal of a child from Illinois. 有了这一裁决,伊利诺伊州加入了放宽移民法的全国潮流.
Five factors are considered in a removal case: the likelihood that the move will enhance the general quality of life for both the custodial parent and the children, 监护父母寻求搬家的动机, 无监护权的父母抗拒搬迁的动机, 与父母双方都保持健康和亲密的关系对孩子最有利, and whether a realistic and reasonable visitation schedule can be reached if the move is allowed.
If your husband has ever used your pet to threaten or intimidate you or your children or tortured your cat or dog, 它是家庭暴力的有力预测指标. 把这些信息告诉你的律师是很重要的. 今天, 医疗专业人员, 警察, 法院, and animal rights advocates are making the connection between animal cruelty and human violence. 在全国各地, women’s shelters are beginning to develop partnerships with veterinary clinics and animal shelters to house pets when victims leave their abusers.
One fourth of the women interviewed for one study reported they had delayed seeking protection from their abuser because they feared what would happen to their pet. Seventy percent of the women staying at domestic-violence shelters in another study 状态d their abuser had killed one of their pets.
其中一个著名的例子是连环杀手杰弗里·达默, 谁杀了动物,把它们挂在木桩上, 还有基普·金克尔, 谁炸了猫和松鼠. 后来他杀死了自己的父母,然后在俄勒冈州的一所高中开枪, 造成两名学生死亡,数人受伤. 目前, 28个州, 包括伊利诺斯, 对故意虐待动物有重罪级别的处罚吗. 这些定罪需要对罪犯进行心理治疗和评估.
伊利诺斯州今年签署的一项法规比之前的法规严格得多. 新法律适用于孩子的父母一方去世或父母离异的情况. 法律现在赋予祖父母, great-grandparents and siblings standing to seek visitation only if there is an unreasonable denial of visitation by the child’s parents. It clarifies that the petitioners must have the support of at least one of the parents in order to proceed in cases where the parents have been divorced.
旧的法律在2000年的一次法庭判决中被宣布违宪. The new law 状态s that petitioners must show denial of visitation rights is “harmful to the child’s mental, 生理或心理健康.“以前,祖父母必须证明探视符合孩子的最大利益. 现在, the new law balances the interests that parents have in raising their children with the increased role that grandparents now play in the lives of their grandchildren.
The Illinois Supreme Court ruled that the 状态’s grandparent visitation statute was unconstitutional. Although the Court is not unsympathetic to the plight of grandparents who wish to visit with their grandchildren, 如果父母是健康的,国家不能被允许施加权力. 在2001年,美国.S. Supreme Court invalidated a Washington 状态 law allowing grandparents to file for visitation rights because it infringed upon the mother’s interest in raising her children. 因此, any parent in Illinois facing a petition for grandparent visitation can ask a trial judge to dismiss the petition.
A man who voluntarily acknowledges that 他是父亲 of a child can’t shirk his paternal duties just because new DNA tests prove he is not the father, 伊利诺伊州最高法院在去年9月做出裁决. 当男人在这张表格上签字时, 他们被警告说,他们可能要支付子女抚养费, 孩子的医疗费用和保险. The form also 状态s, that men waive their rights to an attorney, a hearing and genetic testing.
A case was brought to court by a man who doubted, after he signed the form, that he was the father. 他不想支付孩子的抚养费,也不想为孩子买医疗保险. 在收到DNA检测结果一个月后,他试图终止自己的义务, 这表明他不是孩子的父亲. 法院裁定,一旦一名男子自愿表示自己是孩子的父亲, 不管之后会发生什么, 他是父亲. 因此,在签署此表格前,请慎重考虑.
In the United States, more than six million children live with their grandparents or other relatives. 伊利诺伊州有超过10万名祖父母照顾他们的孙辈. 统计数据表明,主要是祖母, 60岁以下, 长期照顾孙辈.
在很多情况下, 由于父母去世,祖父母承担了照顾孩子的责任, 虐待或忽视儿童, 药物滥用, 疾病, 或者父母被监禁. 许多祖父母不知道他们可以得到什么资源. Here are some answers to common questions for people who find themselves raising children again.
我有资格获得经济援助吗? 我在哪里可以买到?
- Temporary Assistance to Needy Families is comprised of two types of assistance: Child-Only Grants, regardless of the grandparents’; income, 提供每月约$100的小额奖助金. 更重要的是, 收到这笔补助金后,儿童自动有资格获得医疗援助. 有工作的祖父母也有资格获得日托援助.
Regular Temporary Assistance to Needy Families’; Grants are available if grandparents have a limited income. 这个数额比只给孩子的补助金要大. 福利期限为5年.
联系人:伊利诺伊州公共服务部 800-843-6154 (按选项I)) www.国土安全部.状态.il.us.
- 根据父母的工作记录,孙辈可能有资格享受社会保障福利. If the child is not eligible for benefits based on the work record of the parent (or the parents are deceased or disabled), the grandchild may be considered a “child” of a retired grandparent for the purpose of benefits.
联系人:社会保障办公室 800-772-1213, www.社会保障.政府 .
Many other questions arise when grandparents are raising grandchildren concerning medical insurance, 入学率, 以及获得孙辈的监护权. 最好在这些问题上咨询你的律师.
This registry was established by the Illinois legislature to protect adoptive families from a man who may claim to be the child’s father who is not married to the child’s mother before the child is born or who has not established paternity of the child in a court proceeding before the filing of a petition for the adoption of the child. A putative father who fails to register within 30 days after the child’s birth is barred from bringing any action to assert any interest in the child. 不了解怀孕或分娩情况不能成为不登记的借口. A case involving a child, who is now 10-years-old, is now before the Illinois Supreme Court.
2月10日, 2006, the Illinois Supreme Court issued new rules for dramatically changing procedures in child custody cases. 这些新规定自2006年7月1日起生效. 这些新规则旨在协调, 简化, 最重要的是, 加快处理监护案件.
The general rules mandate child custody proceedings are to be scheduled and heard on an expedited basis, 严格遵守法规或规则规定的最后期限的. 听证会将在尽可能早的日期举行. Judges are to render decisions not later than 60 days after the completion of the trial or hearing. Furthermore, each circuit must establish a mediation program for child custody and visitation. 即使不情愿,当事人也必须参与——除非有充分的理由. 最重要的是, the chief judge of each judicial circuit must consider the judge’s background and training before assigning that judge to hear such cases as well as require the judges to attend approved seminars on issues related to child custody.